Monday, August 16, 2010

Time In a Cave

The article below is really something to ponder on because worldly life can distract us from living a God-willed and purposeful life. Sometimes we go on in life doing what we want to do but when we fail we question 'Why?' This one is really enlightening and makes you think 'Is this what God wishes for me to do or is this where He wants me to go?' Trust God, surrender to Him and everything will have it's meaning.

Time in the Cave
You are my refuge, my portion in the land of the living... " - Psalm 142:5 NKJV
Hard times energize some people, yet paralyze others. Look at David. Everything he touched turned to gold: Samuel anointed him to be king; he defeated Goliath; Saul chose him as a musician and warrior; the army loved him and wrote songs about him. Then his life fell apart. He lost his job and his marriage failed; Samuel his old mentor died; his best friend Jonathan couldn't help him, and Saul's soldiers hounded him until he had to hide in a cave.
At some point we all do time in the cave! It's where you end up when all your earthy supports are gone. It's where you learn important things about yourself that you can't learn anywhere else. It's where God does some of His best work in moulding you into the likeness of Christ. It's where your worst inadequacies confirm that you're out of your depth, and where God sends His power to flow through your weakness.
When David prayed, 'You are my refuge, my portion in the land of the living,' he'd no way of knowing there was a crown in his future, or that he wasn't going to die in hiding. For all he knew, this cave he was in right now might be as good as it gets. When you're in a situation you can't fix, can't change and can't escape, trust God! Trust God! Trust God!
As long as your sense of security is tied solely to your success, it'll always be fragile. But when you know that God is with you even at your lowest point, you can handle the cave and come out stronger! 

Kind regards,


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