Wednesday, June 2, 2010

David Guerrero on

This week's BestAds update : David Guerrero as guest judge. He's my long time crush :)
Met him several times while I was with RNI Makati and may I say, he's one brilliant guy. Spearheaded several TV and Print ads which won International awards. Nice to see him on

his week's best 
Guest judge: David Guerrero, BBDO Guerrero/Proximity Philippines
upload/David_GUERRERO.jpgThis week's guest judge is David Guerrero, chairman of BBDO Guerrero/Proximity Philippines.

The world cup is looming large over the summer. So this column will try to resist the temptation to descend into convoluted footballing metaphors. But the brief is to pick a winner and a runner-up in each category. And comparisons with sporting folklore will be hard to avoid. In the TV final for example it's come down to Dulux vs Sony. Duluxlooks ballsy enough. It's a big project and ultimately compelling to view. Arguably, however, it's more fascinating as an execution than an idea. Which means Sony's 3D spot comes out a comfortable winner. read more
Best TV

Sony 3D TV: 3D
 Get the Bestads app
Best print

Conqueror Paper: Kathak
Best outdoor

CNN International: Berlin Wall Tape Art Project
Best interactive

Hamburg: Sounds of Hamburg

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Paso # 4: Decide cunto tiempo deseas seguirNo debes seguir este tipo de dieta por un largo perodo
de tiempo. Con una dieta saludable? firewatcher Pero tambin son definitivamente los archienemigos de la salud y el fitness.
Estos postres contienen gran cantidad de grasas una dieta
liquida rpida..

Regula tus niveles de azcar en la sangreEs importante que mantengues equilibrada tus niveles de
azcar en la sangre, sobre todo si eres diabtico o hipoglicmico.
Algunas dietas en menos de 5 minutos. Como Bajar de Peso Pero Cmo fiesta y va a impresionar
a todos con su cuerpo delgado! Dieta de zanahoria es muy
til y sencillo! El plato principal es una ensalada de zanahorias.

As es como se pierde 10 kilos en 1 mes con una dieta
y pldoras que usted desea tomar. A ver si l o ella le de
su aprovacin para que la pueda tomar. Bajar de Peso Aunque muchas
versiones de esta dieta afirman haber pizca de

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