While looking for organizer boxes in National Bookstore in Trinoma, I chanced upon shelves of Filipino children's publication in the farthest corner of the store (this area also housed the charts for schooling kids like the Philippine map, parts of the body, etc.). I saw rows of books from Lampara Books and decided to buy this one, Superwoman si Inay by Segundo Matias Jr. The story is told in both Tagalog and English and talks about a boy who marvels at how her Mom can do everything, like a superhero. The recurring sentence here is 'Ang galing galing talaga ni Inay!'
What really made me buy this book? I personally know the illustrator because we have worked together for several projects. This guy is really talented and you can see it from the illustrations in this book. Very sophisticated and colorful.
Sophie and Sam love it when I read this book before bedtime. They want me to read it both in English and Tagalog. After reading time, I ask Sophie the questionnaires at the end part of the book to practice her comprehension skills and it's amazing that she was able to answer the questions in the book. Simply means that she was interested in the story and paid attention while I read.
This book is less than a hundred bucks, I think around P65. If you have time, please drop by National Bookstore and buy these Filipino produced children's books. Let's support our local artists :)

wow! that's a nice find.. left you a KI$$, girl! hope i get one back, thanks!
Thanks Kimmy :)Visit you back :)
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