Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What The Most Valuable Thing You Received For Free?

Yesterday, husband and I were listening to Mornings with Mo in the car on the way to work. This has been our morning ritual since husband discovered this show. Initially, I find the show disgusting and ridiculous but eventually I found it amusing (but still disgusting sometimes...). Anyway, one topic they had was 'What's the best thing you ever received for free and of great value?' Obligatory gifts (ex. education) are not qualified, prizes won at raffles also not! Those are lame answers. It has to be something that was given for no apparent reason. Some callers mentioned receiving a watch worth P20,000.00 by an officemate, a LV bag, etc.
Then it made me think, uhmm what did I receive that's free and of great value? The only answer that came to my mind was the First Years Electric Breastpump that my best friend from the States sent me when I gave birth to Sophie. It was so much of value to me as a breastfeeding mom simply because it helped me get through the phase with so much ease for a long period of time - 7 months ++ for each child. That's already a feat for a non-nice-to-six working mom. I carried it with me to work everyday and because it's electric, I only have to spend a few minutes to fill the containers. The kit includes an insulated bag but I bought a Coleman bag so the milk can stay fresher longer and I would just ask for ice from our friendly Figaro boys. Again, I spend long hours at work and I didn't want my milk to spoil and go to waste.

My bff also has a baby girl (named Sofie also :)) and she encouraged me to breastfeed for as long as I can that's why she sent me this kit along with other breastfeeding essentials like the milk storage pouches, pads and baby clothes in one big Balikbayan box! To further educate me on this very challenging but rewarding commitment that is breastfeeding, she sent the book Nursing Mothers Companion by Kathleen Huggins which became my bible for sometime. On breastfeeding, the book have a guide from latching to weaning, from co-sleeping to surrogate breastfeeding. It also contains a glossary of drugs, food and drinks that are safe and unsafe to take while breastfeeding. This is helpful because this is a much advanced research on medication in relation to breastfeeding as compared to what we have here in the Philippines. Sadly, even some of our doctors and health care specialists are not as widely educated on breastfeeding until recently. I'm just happy that the past year, I see some advocates of breastfeeding being more aggressive in this campaign. I try to become an advocate myself, encourage preggy friends and colleagues to breastfeed. I also pay it forward by letting my friends borrow the book. If they are willing I let them borrow the pump since I am no longer using it and I don't like seeing something as useful a gadget as this just gather dust. In the States, you have to pay rent for a pump if you can't buy one.
That's my most valuable free stuff. What's yours?

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