Sam at his christening, barely 5 months old. Very much a baby with the skin allergies
Sam at 1 year and 6months. Thank God he outgrew those allergies when he turned one year old. He has a personality all his own now :)
Sophie at 8 months. Toothless and with very thin hair
Sophie now. This was taken last weekend when we attended a birthday party. How much she has grown up, soon she will enter school *sniff*
My entry for:

Sniff, sniff talaga! Kids really grow up so fast! If we could just freeze time so we can enjoy seeing them so innocent and young. Sigh! Thanks for the visit, Mommy!
Oppps! I can smell separation anxiety there....
You are so right. We can only pray for them for protection because we can't do that 24/7 especially when they start going to school. Soon they'll be on their own (sniff, too).
You're little girl is a budding model. So lovely in pink!
She is so cute! I am now following your blog.
Please come by and see my Partners in Crime
it feels so good to see how they've grown..
nostalgic... i think those are the right words here too :)
Yup, sniff is what I do whenever my kids start school. I will sniff again next August, since my little girl is going Kindergarten. Don't they grow so fast, We wish we can keep them from growing up, but oh well...
it's so traumatic for us when our kids grow up, lol! and i suppose, it's relieving as well, knowing that they are becoming a little independent each day.
happy mommy moments!
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